Ellie’s Mayweather
I’ve known Brenda all of her life. She is like the daughter I’ve never had. I share things with her that I would never share with anyone else because she is prayerful and not a gossiper. The past year she held an event “The Divine Call of a Divine Exchange “at her home that cost her nearly $5000. This was an intimate setting where she hosted about 30 young women whom God had placed on her heart to sow into their lives. She taught them how to apply the Word of God and by demonstration: “how to posture themselves for a lifestyle of prayer”. In addition, each of them was given books, cd’s, anointed oil, personal prayer shawls, dinner, flowers and other personal gifts for their spiritual enrichment. She had been divinely instructed to make this “wealth transfer” into their lives. Many have since testified of spiritual renewal and transformation. Chaplain Pastor Brenda Bannister continues to demonstrate her Labor of Love in Spiritual discipline, Humility, Obedience, Faith, and in the heart-felt expression of Adding Value to Lives.

Bertha Lightfoot
Back in 2009, Minister Chaplain Brenda Bannister was the speaker for our Family Reunion Banquet in 2009. She ministered powerfully under the anointing with a seasoned word for all (young and old). God’s Glory filled the room and everyone including myself was left in tears when she finished.
We couldn’t even resume with our usual dance afterwards. The DJ’s who were my sons said: “We might as well shut this thing down”.
Minister Chaplain Brenda is certainly one of God’s chosen anointed vessels used to charge the atmosphere as she prays and ministers the WORD of GOD.

Dr. Megan Massey
There is much to say about a Woman of God such as Brenda Bannister. She is one of the women I know who gives herself to Prayer and she literally walks out and personifies that of a woman that has given herself to God. Her life of submission has impacted many; and her character reflects an example of what a Godly woman should look like.

I thank God for the blessing of being invited to a Divine Call of Divine Exchange hosted by Prophetic Minister Brenda Bannister. Minister Bannister is truly a child and a servant of God. During the Divine Call of Divine Exchange gathering many ladies and myself were given great books such as “Faith to Faith”, “The Confident Mom”, Prayer Shawls and other treasurable resources, and scriptures. I have had a closer walk with God through prayers since the Divine Exchange. Putting God first I was blessed with debt cancellation after attending this wonderful gathering. Minister Bannister prophesied to the group of women what God called her to share. I thank God this effectual Servant of God blessed so many women during the Divine Call for a Divine Exchange. I learned in Romans 8:16 “ The spirit itself beartheth witness with our spirit, That we are the children of God.: I am grateful to Minister Bannister a true Servant of God.

Lakima Garrett
To be honest I did not know what the event was all about prior to my arrival. The devil tried to stop me from going; however, by the grace of God, I was blessed tremendously. Dr Brenda Bannister ministered a powerful and impactful sermon Ascending and Going Higher in God!
I was a believer before attending; however, my spirit and mind were transformed by the God’s word that night. I am so thankful that Minister Bannister was obedient and answered God’s call. Without her deliverance of the Ascending on High… I know I would not be where I am today. I came to the event broken, jobless, in a stagnant relationship, and just plain empty. I left with my spirit renewed knowing that God did not leave me and HE has a plan for my life. Minister Bannister provided me with tools – journal, anointing oil, devotionals and a Prayer Shawl. These tools were instrumental in me starting and continuing my journey to ascend. Minster Bannister went even further and prayed specifically for me. She also followed up with calls or texts to see how I was doing. This would occur on days that I felt like giving up but God knew what I needed to keep me focused on my faith.
Today I am baptized, have a new job, and now ministers to a group of women. The biggest blessing is being a blessing and spreading the word and love of God. My relationship with the Lord is transparent and pure. Once I started to be obedient and actively seek God, I have had an abundant life. My journey has not been easy but knowing God has me and Minister Bannister continues to pray for me has kept me focused and steadfast. Thank you, Minister Bannister, for the Divine Call of a Divine Exchange Event and for all you have done for me and others! Praise God!