Day 36 – SHIFT / Maturity


September 25, 2019

Blessings Consecration Partner,

I Corinthians 11:23-26





23 For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you. That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread:

24 And when He had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.

25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood; this do ye, as oft as ye

drink it, in remembrance of me.

26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.



                                     I DECLARE:





MATURITY SHIFT – In order to move into what God is calling us to, we must mature. It can’t be avoided. We can no longer behave as babies, but expect full grown blessings. WE must put away any childish ways that are hindering us, so that we may receive the fullness of what God has for us.



  • Pray that God would bring you to a greater place of humility before Him and those your are accountable to.
  • Pray to be delivered from any snares of deception that have sought to bare fruit in your life.
  • Pray that God will show you ways that you can mature and begin to write down some specific growth goals.



How is the Spirit speaking to you? Reflect on Ephesians 4:14 &1 Corinthians 13:11 and journal your insights.


PRAY without ceasing!!!

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Day 35 – SHIFT / Palate

September 24, 2019

Blessings Consecration Partner,

I Corinthians 11:23-26




23 For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you. That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread:

24 And when He had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.

25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood; this do ye, as oft as ye

drink it, in remembrance of me.

26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.


                                        I DECLARE:





PALATE SHIFT – The focus for today is a palate shift. As believers we must have strong discernment to be able to divide what is true versus what is not. If not, we end up CONSUMING everything in sight without first knowing what it is. It is our responsibility to assess what we see and properly distinguish whether or not what we see is good based on the word of God. The God should always be our guide in judging what is right.




  • Pray the Lord increases and sharpens your discernment.
  • Pray for revelation concerning anything in your thoughts, actions, words, or habits that blocks your discernment.
  • Pray for wisdom on how to use God’s word to judge what is not right according to His word.


How is the Spirit speaking to you? Reflect on Psalm 119:66 and journal your insights.


PRAY without ceasing!!!

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Day 34 – SHIFT / Perspective


September 23, 2019

Blessings Consecration Partner,

I Corinthians 11:23-26




23 For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you. That the Lord Jesus the same night in which He was betrayed took bread:

24 And when He had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do  in remembrance of me.

25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood; this do ye, as oft as ye

drink it, in remembrance of me.

26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.

                                     I DECLARE:





PERSPECTIVE SHIFT – In order to enter into the new, we must do away with the things of old in order to fully experience what God has in store for us in this season.



  • Pray for a renewed focus. That your focus would not be on the past or what has been formerly done, but instead you would face forward in expectation of what God is doing right now.
  • Pray that there would be a renewing of the mind so we are able to recognize the Lord’s hand in our affairs.
  • Pray that you will not enter this new place carrying burdens from the past. Pray that you would reestablish a new way of thinking to disconnect from old habits, and old cycles, so that there is enough room for God to move.
  • Pray for an increase in faith to believe God for things that have never been done, the impossible, the unthinkable, and the unlikely.


1) How is the Spirit speaking to you? Reflect on Isaiah 43:18-19 and journal your insights.

PRAY without ceasing!!!


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Day 33 – Personal Time with God


September 22, 2019

Blessings Consecration Partner,

Prepare for Communion starting tomorrow

(re-watch/listen to Friday’s video for instructions)

                                   I DECLARE: 

                                                      WE ARE SHIFTING INTO THE NEXT LEVEL OF NEW”!!!

                                                     WE ARE SHIFTING INTO A GREATER PLACE OF PROMINENCE!!!

RESPONSIBILITY SHIFT – The word responsibility is a powerful concept, revealing the synergy of trust and choice. Man makes choices through the paradigm of his or her will. According to Webster’s dictionary, responsibility is, “the state or fact of being accountable or blame for something. “Responsibility implies there is partnership; one is entrusted with the choice to defend protect, and to fulfill an obligation from another. The hard truth is we are responsible for the state of our lives. Our choices define trajectory of our lives. Today, make the commitment to taking responsibility for your relationships, your finances, and even your in the things of God. Simply because before God changes the circumstances around you, He confronts the rebellion within you.


How is the Spirit speaking to you? Reflect on Isaiah 1:19, Joshua 24:14-15, Job 36:11, & Romans 14:12 and journal your insights.



Ask God for a pure heart to identify places where we lack absolute trust in Him.

Ask God for the strength to come into alignment with His purposes for our lives.

Ask God for the fortitude to make the right decision even if it hurts.

PRAY without ceasing!!!

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Day 32 – Personal Time with God


September 21, 2019

Blessings Consecration Partner,




DIETARY SHIFT – As believers, we have the responsibility of watching what enters into our spiritual, mental, and emotional gates. We have to be intentional about what we allow ourselves to consume so that we develop properly. God desires for us to have a healthy mind, heart, body and spirit so that we can walk in wholeness as we fulfill our predestined purpose.


Pray that the Lord will change your appetite towards the things of God and away from what is pleasing to your flesh. Pray that the Lord gives you the strength to resist opportunities to please your flesh.

PRAY without ceasing!!!

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Day 31 – Declare War ( 2 of 2)


September 20, 2019

Blessings Consecration Partner,

These are a few tools that you need to combat all that the enemy is sending your way.




1. The Word – meditate on it day and night. Commit to memory the scripture(s) that speak to your situation.

2. Prayeractive communication with God will strengthen your relationship with Him and allow you to feel His Grace as He carries you through every challenging circumstance.

3. Spiritual Support – one form of spiritual support comes from this blog. But other sources of support could come from your spouse, family members, friends, and /or prayer partner(s).

4. Self-control – the enemy isn’t interested in your comfort. He will continue to mess with you though you may be frustrated,

fainthearted and/or tearful. No matter what, WILL your mind to come under subjection to the Holy Spirit. Be a good soldier and endure until the end.

Don’t take Satan’s tactics lying down; Get on your knees and exercise the authority that Christ has given you. As you submit to God, Resist the devil and he will flee. You have the authority. Rejoice today, for every crooked place God is making a way in the wilderness and rivers in the deserts


How is the Spirit speaking to you? Reflect on Ephesians 6:10-18, I John 4:4, Genesis 50:20 and James 4:7, and journal your insights.




The military has a code that use when they’re on high alert. It’s code red. For the remaining days we are on high alert. Sound the alarm, there is a war going on, but with God on our side we win!


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Day 30 – THE CROSS-OVER (Milk to Meat)🔥🔥🔥


September 19, 2019

Blessings Consecration Partner,

Today marks a significant day 9/19/2019! A highly prophetic charged day🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Well, as Holy Spirit leads….I follow.

So instead of continuing with the teaching on “spiritual warfare” as planned; He wanted me to revisit today with you the grouping of numbers shared on blog day 24.

I believe Holy Spirit is desiring to awaken you to a deeper degree of SENSITIVITY to the SUPERNATURAL REALM. Numbers are a Language / speaking and connecting with another realm!!! So begin to pay more attention to the sequence of numbers. For example, are you one to always see these numbers: 333, 444, 555, 777,or 11:11? *** ALWAYS Stop and Pray when you see such numbers and begin to pay attention to your thoughts, environments, and words that you are speaking at the time you observe these numbers. We must come to place where we can decode what Holy Spirit is trying to tell us.

Now, do you see why we had to first shift in our mindset by getting a good understanding on Paradigms? YOUR EYES OF UNDERSTANDING MUST BE OPEN TO RECEIVE AT THIS LEVEL.

Moving from “milk” to “meat”

Since I was aware of the order and importance of the numbers, and being sensitive to this season of consecration; I sowed a seed every one of those days because I now realize the importance in seizing such divine opportunities. I also believe that certain things are “unlocked” and “made accessible” when you couple together prayer, fasting and sowing into good fertile ground at these pivotal times.

Just to give you a lil general info on the numbers 9 and 11:

Number 9: Speaks to birthing. It represents the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. harvest, fruitfulness, fruit of the womb.  It also symbolizes divine completeness or conveys the meaning of finality. Christ died the 9th hour of the day to make the way to salvation open to everyone.

Number 11: Is a master number. It speaks to Urgency, Double Doors 🚪🚪, Insight, Intuition, Primitive instinct, intellect and intention. Fresh awakening into supernatural activities to awake your identify in God and eternal purpose. It also means alignment to allow awakening and revival.

God is birthing us into a supernatural awakening. It’s urgent that we walk with the full armor of God on at all times.  Always sensitive to the MOVES of God so that we know what 🚪🚪  DOORS to walk through. We have to be SENSITIVE to the doors that are offered to us and know the differences (have discernment) of them. Are they God sent ~ Heaven bound doors, or Hell bound doors? Knowing God’s direction is going to be very important, and how we carry ourselves will play a major part in going through the God sent doors 🚪 🚪. The enemy cannot stop us from going through these doors of purpose only WE can. Obeying God’s direction will lead us to favor and prosperity. God wants us to walk in our identity and authority through these doors. We will make eternal impact as we confront the kingdom of darkness in boldness. DO NOT revert back from this day forward to the old man and the erroneous teachings of the past.❤ 


1) How is the Spirit speaking to you? Reflect on this teaching and journal your insights.


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Day 29 – Declare WAR (1 of 2)

September 18, 2019

Blessings Consecration Partner,

September 11, 2019, I sensed a weight of heaviness and a peculiar unsettling in my spirit as I went about my morning errands. Holy Spirit prompted me to begin praying in my heavenly language. By the time I reached home, I was in full-blown prayer when I heard “constrictor”. I immediately thought of “python”. Since I am familiar with the workings of this spirit, I immediately became engaged in spiritual warfare.

About 3 months ago, the Lord placed a “sword” in my hand to be used against the enemy. I accessed my new weapon and began slaying, disrupting, and annihilating the schemes, wiles, and tactics of the enemy that were unleashed to confine, constrict, restrict and limit my progression. I also called down the fire and wrath of God against whatever the enemy was plotting to conjure up against me and/or my consecrated partners.

Shortly, thereafter I heard “Turn Around” & “Divine Reversal”! God had given me Genesis 50:20 as my portion of assurance that what the enemy meant for evil; had been TURNED AROUND / REVERSED, for our good. Glory Hallelujah🙌  Praise God who is our Great Defense!

What was that all about?

It is about the enemy being displeased with what God is doing: about him trying to frustrate a situation so that I will give up. But it will take a lot more than that for me to give up on God’s plan for you and me.

You maybe experiencing similar frustrations. Take a moment to think about what you have surrendered to God. Has the journey been easy or challenging? I would suspect that these past two weeks have been quite taxing.

Perhaps, you’ve surrendered fear to God, yet every fear-producing situation that can happen has; maybe you’re being mindful of your words, but people and circumstances are exasperating you beyond belief; or perhaps you may have given up some type of food or beverage such as sweets or caffeine that has tested your patience and endurance to an entirely another level. I can go on and on, but I think you get the picture: there’s a fight going on and we are in the middle.

Don’t be surprised when everything that could go wrong, does. The enemy, in his frustration with you, has declared all out war, but be ENCOURAGED. The scripture reminds us that, “Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world (I John 4:4).”

Accordingly, you have AUTHORITY over the enemy and he has to conform to your commands.

Beloved, understand the victory is already ours; therefore our posture of warfare is not to gain victory; but it is always a posture from victory in Christ Jesus. Even though the enemy has been defeated at the Cross, he seeks to hold out against God’s authority; and therefore we must engage in spiritual warfare in ENFORCING his defeat.



 How is the Spirit speaking to you? Reflect on Ephesians 6:10-18, I John 4:4 and Genesis 50:20 and journal your insights.

(NOTE: These will be the exact same scriptures tomorrow for your reflection in case you prefer to save the last 2 for then)😘

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Day 28 – Mental Shift (Paradigms) 2 of 2

September 17, 2019

Blessings Consecration Partner,




I truly believe UNCOMMON BLESSINGS are manifesting . And the Lord is desiring to bring us into a GREATER place in Him and in order to receive —we must be delivered from the COMMON mindset!  So He continues today in challenging and confronting our paradigms. 

Philippians 2:5

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there by any praise, think on these things.

John 5 describes a perfect example of someone who was challenged with a paradigm shift. A man who had suffered with a spirit of infirmity for 38 years lay beside the Pool of Bethesda, hoping that someday someone would place him in the waters of healing. Jesus stopped and asked him, “Do you want to get well?” The man’s immediate response was saturated with all types of excuses as to why he could not be healed. “The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me”. Jesus replied, “Rise, take up your bed and walk”. Jesus was ready to heal him at that very instant. But the man had a mind-set. He believed that first an angel had to come to stir up the waters. And he thought that the only way for him to be healed was to be picked up and placed in the water before anyone else got there. His mind-set limited the power of Jesus. Jesus wasn’t even going to use the pool as part of the healing, but this man believed that being placed in the water was his only hope. How many of us have a mind-set as to how we are made whole? In order to embrace our new season of increased faith, WE MUST NOT LIMIT GOD!



  • Pray against double mindedness, anxiety, tormenting thoughts, perverted thoughts, discouragement, depression and suicidal thoughts.
  • Pray for deliverance from any experiences in your past that has negatively shaped how you view yourself and  your purpose.
  • Pray for a SHIFT in your mental capacity.

PRAY without ceasing!!!


1) How is the Spirit speaking to you? Reflect on “something to think about🤔” below and journal your insights.





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Day 27 – Mental Shift (Paradigms) 1 of 2

September 16, 2019

Blessings Consecration Partner,

UNCOMMON BLESSINGS ARE Manifesting . In order to receive you must be delivered from the common mindset!

Mental Shift – The focus for today is a mental shift. In order for us to effectively fulfill our God-given assignments, we must have the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ helps us to control our thoughts so that we are focused on the things of God and not the world. Without the mind of Christ, we leave ourselves vulnerable to our flesh which hinders us from fully walking in who God has created us to be and His purpose for our lives.

Shifting into Kingdom mentality requires leaving the past behind, getting out of the box and being open-minded to a new way of approaching God.

God will use whatever means necessary to get us out of the box and deliver us from limited thinking. He often uses dreams and visions to bypass our minds and plant a Holy Spirit computer chip of instruction and wisdom into our brains while we sleep. Most likely God has already been speaking to each of you concerning changes He desires for you to embrace as you move forward by His Spirit.

Sometimes God even sends an angel to speak to us, if necessary. Remember Zacharias? He argued with Gabriel when the angel brought him a message from God. Can you even begin to imagine someone having the boldness to argue with an angel who stands in the very presence of God?

Zacharias was no different than most of us. He was just going about his daily routine. Can’t you just picture him in the temple, fulfilling his daily responsibilities, doing the nine-to-five routine, business as usual? I am sure the barrenness he and Elizabeth had experienced was heavy upon his heart, but the Scripture does not indicate that Zacharias was doing anything out of the ordinary when Gabriel appeared. He was not in an intimate prayer time interceding for his wife, Elizabeth, and her inability to conceive a child. But the angel appeared and spoke: “Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your prayer is heard; and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John” (Luke 1:13NKJV).

Luke 1:18-20, NKJV

Zacharias was experiencing a mind-set problem when the angel announced that what had been impossible would now become possible. His mind-set limited God’s ability and desire to heal his wife from the curse of barrenness. She had been barren for many years, and now she was too old to have children.  Zacharia’s response indicated that surely God knew she was simply too old to have a child now.

As a result of Zacharias’s doubt and unbelief, the angel struck him dumb and  he was unable to speak until the birth of his son. To ensure that no negative speech would negate the fruitfulness of the promise, Zacharias would have no input until the time of fulfillment. How sad that Zacharias had to learn such a hard lesson!

Paradigms about Ourselves

Gideon did not just have a false belief system concerning God; his paradigms concerning himself also were exposed. God called to him, “Gideon, mighty man of valor!” Gideon’s belief system – his paradigms that limited his thinking – spoke immediately and said, “I am the very least among my people!” (see Judges 6:15).

Many of us respond the same as Gideon. When God speaks into our destiny, our response is, “Who, me? But God, don’t You know I don’t speak so well? I’m not old enough. I haven’t been to seminary, and I didn’t do well in school.”

Some of my paradigms have sounded like:

God, I don’t have time to take on more responsibility.”

God, I don’t have the energy to do what You are requiring.”

God, I’m too old.”

God, I can’t speak well.”

God, how can I deal with one more challenge?”

God, I’m not computer savvy.”

God, You want me to do what?!”

Who, me?”

It has taken quite a while to get to the victory side of some of these paradigms, and I am still working on accomplishing victory over the others. But looking back, I am so grateful God overlooked my doubt and unbelief. He kept speaking into my untapped potential until I finally aligned myself with the truth of what He spoke.

There will be a season when God will confront your paradigms. You will be challenged with all that God sees in you. He will speak to your potential and then expect you to shift out of any old paradigms that limit you from fulfilling your destiny.❤


Pray for deliverance from any experiences in your past that has negatively shaped how you view yourself and your purpose.

Pray against double mindedness, anxiety, tormenting thoughts, perverted thoughts, discouragement and depression.


1) How is the Spirit speaking to you? Reflect on Philippians 4:8 and journal your insights.

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