2020 / 5780 (2 of 2)

October 14, 2019





Blessings Beloved,

20 is the number of redemption. This is when we are relieved from our bondages that have been in place for a long time. God will be separating many from the things which have kept them captive. Deliverance! Salvation!

Jacob had 20 years of hard labor with his father in law, Laban, before he was released to go off on his own.

It took 20 years for the Israelites to be delivered from the oppression of Jabin.

When the Israelites were ready to cross over into the promise land after spending so many years wondering around in the wilderness the Lord said the ones 20 years and older were not allowed in (Numbers 14:29). So there is a cutting off and a finality at 20.

What does this mean to you? A lot of the things you’ve been struggling with will come to an abrupt end. For some this will be a time for celebration but for others a time of mourning. Why is that ? Well, there are things that we can sometimes hold on to that will keep us from advancing so some of the things that God will remove, you may not want them gone. But know that it s for your good.


In the year 2020 the fullness of the Ayin decade will take place. You will be able to clearly see what you need to see so that you can make the decisions that need to be made. In God removing what He will be removing from your life will also provide you with the ability to move with clarity.


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