God is Purifying His Church



November 12, 2019



Blessings Beloved,


Pause and ask yourself this question. “Is 1Timothy 3:1-7 a picture of my Apostle, my Bishop, my Pastor, my Priest, my Mentor?”

We have abused and misused GRACE. We’ve allowed people to lead us based on giftings and anointings instead of what God said our leaders should be. These same people turn around and abuse the sheep because we didn’t keep the standard of God’s WORD. So, God is calling us back to what the WORD says.

1 Timothy 3:1-7 doesn’t say anything about the gifts or the anointings. It talks about CHARACTER. How do you build character? With 🔥🔥FIRE🔥🔥!!! We’re promoting people based on gifts and anointings when the truth is, they are not ready to lead anyone. We throw money at them and they become puffed up and prideful; and because they lack character – the minute the FIRE comes, they fall.

You are going to see many people exposed and removed as God is purifying His church!!!

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